Ed Miliband vows to steamroller internet zero ‘obstructionists’ – newest updates

Ed Miliband has vowed to take on “blockers and delayers” to wind and solar farm expansion, as the Government puts overcoming nimbyism at the heart of its infrastructure policy. 

The Energy Secretary told an industry conference that there are “barriers in the way to business investment” which just need “some political will to tackle them”.

During a speech at the Energy UK conference in London, he said the drive to clean energy “is right, not just on grounds of climate… but also energy security and affordability”.

Speaking as Labour colleagues launched a “smash the nimbys” pressure group, Mr Miliband told delegates: “Every wind turbine we block, every solar farm we reject, every piece of grid we fail to build makes us less secure and more exposed. 

“Previous governments have ducked, dithered and delayed these difficult decisions. And here’s the thing, it’s the poorest in our society who have paid the price. 

“My message today is that we will take on the blockers, the delayers, the obstructionists, because clean energy is the economic justice, energy security and national security fight of our time. 

“That’s why one of the Prime Minister’s five driving missions is to make Britain a clean energy superpower, delivering clean power by 2030 and accelerating to net zero across the economy.”

His pledge to cut through planning restrictions will boost developers across the energy industry, although it will be sure to infuriate those opposing plans to carpet the green belt with thousands of wind turbines and pylons. 

Rosie Pearson, a spokesman for the Essex Suffolk Norfolk Pylons campaign group, accused Mr Milliband of attempting to sow seeds of division.

He said: “Branding community groups as obstructionists and blockers and using phrases like ‘Smash the Nimbys’ is deeply inappropriate and alarming.”

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